Open for Business

General Loan Requirements

  1. The most recent Salary Slip from your place of employment.
  2. Credit Reports from Financial In­stitutions and various business houses.
  3. Appraisal fees to be paid to the NDFD and this is dependent on the size of the loan
  4. Stamp fees to be paid to the Gov­ernment of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Requirements based on Loan Size

  1. Guarantor
  2. Cash deposit or Letter of lien on fixed cash deposits at other Financial Institutions.
  3. Certificate of Title - Letter of undertaking from solicitor when Certificate of Title (COT) will be security and COT is being processed. A Property valuation is also required for use as security.
  4. Assignment of Life Insurance to the National Development Founda­tion of Dominica (NDFD) Limited.
  5. Bill of Sale on equipment.

Requirements based on Loan Type

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